Atlanta DUI Attorneys: Driving under the influence in Georgia
We are here to help you every step of the way, both in and out of court.

A Beginner's Guide to a Georgia DUI Arrest
If you have been charged with DUI, your world may feel as if it has been turned inside out. If this is your first encounter with law enforcement, you may be experiencing the all-too-common alienation and stigmatization that comes with being charged with a criminal offense in America.
The good news is that the legal issues are worrisome but manageable. More often than not, if you find the right legal team, the legal issues may not be as bad as you fear!
The bad news is the emotional and reputational toll of a first time arrest can be incalculable.
How will this arrest impact the future path you have worked so hard to achieve? How do you manage the professional and social stigma of a DUI arrest? What does this mean for your future plans, hopes and dreams?
If you are like many of our clients, in the days after your arrest, your brain will be hard at work processing these recent events by imagining what this means for your future. You will become an expert at all the worst-case scenarios that may play out, including how your future plans will never be achieved due to this arrest.
If this sounds familiar, take a moment and breathe deeply. You are already doing exactly the right thing by researching your legal options. You are well on your way to a solution.
This is not the end of the road for your brilliant plans for your future self.
Whether you are newly entering the workforce or a thriving professional with a stellar reputation to protect, we are specialists at helping you navigate the uncomfortable and everyday moments that you are confronted with as a result of a DUI arrest in Georgia.
We supercharge our clients’ individual success by using our expert knowledge we have spent decades cultivating to make sure our clients have the best advice available about how to:
- Manage your reputation online
- Talk about an arrest with a current employer
- Prepare for professional licensing board disclosures and investigations
- Answer background check questionnaires
- Explain an arrest during an interview
- Plan for next semester and beyond
- Plan international travel
We know what it is to be obsessed with fixing this problem and getting your life back on track and we would love to talk to you about how we can help!
Some frequently asked questions include
- What is the legal limit for alcohol in Georgia?
The legal limit for alcohol in Georgia is 0.08% for adults aged 21 and over and 0.02% for those under the age of 21, and 0.04% for CDL drivers in commercial vehicle.
- What tests are used to determine blood alcohol levels?
Tests used to determine blood alcohol levels include breathalyzer tests, blood tests, and urine tests.
- What penalties may be imposed if I am convicted of a DUI in Georgia?
Penalties for a DUI conviction in Georgia can include fines of up to $1,000, up to 12 months in jail, and/or license suspension.
- Is jail time mandatory for a DUI conviction?
Jail time is not mandatory for a DUI conviction in Georgia, but the court may order it as part of the sentence.
- What are the administrative penalties for a DUI in Georgia?
License penalties for a DUI in Georgia can include license suspension, license reinstatement fees, and/or mandatory completion of DUI programs.
- What types of fines may be imposed for a DUI in Georgia?
Fines for a DUI conviction in Georgia can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars.
- What should I do if I am stopped and accused of DUI in Georgia?
If stopped and accused of DUI in Georgia, remain calm. You may elect to refuse or submit to Field Sobriety Tests and chemical testing.
- How does a DUI affect my driving privileges in Georgia?
A DUI conviction in Georgia can result in license suspension or revocation.
- What is an ignition interlock device and how does it work?
An ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer device that is connected to a vehicle’s ignition and requires a driver to blow into it to start the vehicle.
- Are there alternatives to jail for DUI in Georgia?
Yes, there are alternatives to jail for DUI in Georgia. These include community service, participation in a DUI risk reduction program, or a probation period with court–ordered restrictions.
Schedule a call with Erin
The EHG legal team, based in Atlanta, is well-equipped to handle a wide range of DUI charges in various counties across the metro-Atlanta area, including Fulton, Cherokee, Cobb, Gwinnett, DeKalb, and Clayton. The team is known for its frequent appearances in court and its successful track record in these cases.
In addition to her role on the Faculty of the National College for DUI Defense, Erin Gerstenzang has extensive experience and leadership in the field of DUI defense. She has served as the Chair of the Georgia Public Defender Council’s DUI Trial Strategies Annual Program for seven consecutive years, and is currently on the Executive Board of the Georgia Association for Criminal Defense Attorneys, where she also chairs the Judicial Recommendation Committee.

When you’re facing a DUI charge, you can rely on Attorney Erin Gerstenzang. Contact our offices today to discuss your case.
Schedule a consultation.
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