Facing your second DUI offense
Don't let a second DUI charge derail your life. We will work closely with you to understand your side of the story and make sure your rights are protected every step of the way. We will help you fight for your rights and protect your future.

Second DUI consequences in Georgia
Facing a second DUI can bring about a whirlwind of concerns and uncertainties, especially when considering the potential consequences of a second conviction. You may be feeling overwhelmed and apprehensive, and it’s essential to recognize the unique challenges you’ll face, as well as the importance of obtaining the right advice and guidance from your team.
One immediate concern is for drivers who are still on probation for the first DUI. If you’re currently on probation, you’ll likely worry about what will happen when your probation officer learns of the new charge and whether there are ways to avoid a probation warrant. This scenario is among the most serious and immediate consequences for drivers facing a second DUI charge.
Another significant concern is the possibility of jail time if convicted for DUI. Prosecutors are more likely to demand longer jail sentences for second-time offenders. Instead of merely facing a few days in jail, some will be looking at weeks or even months of incarceration, turning the consequences from manageable to disastrous.
A second DUI arrest also makes it more challenging for judges to make discretionary decisions in your favor. The judge in your new case may be less inclined to approve a deal she deems too favorable given the prior arrest.
Moreover, the repercussions of a second DUI arrest can be life-changing due to the increased involvement of the government in your life. In addition to probation, you’ll face harsher license consequences than with a first offense. A second conviction within ten years will result in a mandatory jail sentence, which can range from 72 hours to twelve months. While first-time DUI offenders may be eligible for the refusal ignition interlock option, this is unavailable for those facing a recent second charge. Furthermore, a potential hard license suspension of 120 days or more could leave you unable to drive for an extended period.
Drivers may be required to surrender all vehicle tags (license plates) and have their mug shot published in the local newspaper.
Treatment will likely be a significant part of the resolution if you’re convicted, as courts prioritize rehabilitation.
If your arrest involves an accident, you may face a civil lawsuit with increased damages. If you’re going through a divorce, a second DUI charge could exacerbate disagreements with your ex-partner.
In light of these unique concerns and potential consequences, it’s crucial to seek the support and guidance of an experienced DUI legal team. They can help you navigate the process, protect your rights, and work towards the best possible outcome for your case. By understanding the challenges you’re facing and acknowledging the importance of obtaining expert legal advice, you can take the necessary steps to address your situation and mitigate the impact on your life.
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Criminal defense for second DUI in Georgia
It’s important to be aware that the consequences of a second DUI charge in Georgia can vary significantly from one court to another. Some courts may impose the minimum sentence of three days in jail, while others may offer longer sentences as a starting point for negotiations. This is why it’s not always helpful to rely on the experiences of friends or relatives who have been arrested for a second DUI. Without qualified legal representation, you may feel unprepared and pressured to make decisions about your case without fully understanding your options.
To protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome in your case, it’s important to find an experienced criminal defense attorney who can challenge the prosecutor’s case every step of the way. Attorney Erin Gerstenzang at EHG Law Firm can help you understand your options and work with you to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us to schedule a consultation and discuss your pending charges.